Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Uni Theories

So nearly 3 weeks of uni have passed and i hate it. The labs, the lectures or the tutorials i dont know whats worse. Furthermore, the fact that im doing chemistry, biology, physics and maths its like HSC again but this time harder and with a lot more stress. But more importantl, like the title suggests there have been some strange phenomenon which i have noticed. It may be all this science getting to me but i've somehow proposed some theories to explain them.
  1. The Optom Attraction Theory. In the first couple of weeks i've noticed that the optom ppl always seem to be together in a group. ALWAYS. And when meeting ppl it just somehow happens by "coincidence" that the other person just turns out to do optom. And this happens a lot for the optom ppl i've been with. They just somehow manage to find more optom ppl. I propose that the optom ppl generate some sort of force of attraction (probably due to their eliteness and godliness of being optom ppl). This force of attraction somehow brings those who generate a similar force, that is, more optom ppl. But what about the vision science people like me. Meeting vision science people, pretty much has the same chance as finding a guy who does optom or finding someone who does optom and doesnt wear glasses. So how have i met vision science people? Well the only way i've been able to find such ppl is through the optom ppl. Vision science ppl hardly meet each other directly. But why? Well i believe that we vision science ppl aka the optom wannabes, want to and are so influenced by the optom ppl that we are somehow drawn and lured to them. Most likely we vision science ppl cannot find each other as we are overwhelmed by the forces of optometry and the force of attraction is much greater than our own vision science forces.
  2. International Student Attraction. This phenomena occurs quite often for me but i am yet to find a plausible explanation.
  3. Lack of Tickets Sold for Optom Cruise. This is obvious... Hmm... a bunch of people who hardly know each other and the prospect of being stuck on a boat for a couple of hours with minimal chances of fun. Furthermore, drinking? Not many ppl i have met in optom/vision science seem to be drinkers.
  4. Central Station Announcer. The announcer at central station is really really really nice. I mean seriously, i have not heard a nicer announcer. He wishes ppl a safe and pleasant journey and hopes to see us again. though does he really see us? Whats up with that?
I thought i had some more theories but can't seem to remember them. But the main one being the optom attraction theory which i have spent many a lecture thinking about.