Monday, November 20, 2006


You scored as Prep. You are a prep. I am so sorry.



Emo Kid


















What Highschool Clique Do You Belong To?
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I'm preppy. i don't know whether to be proud or shocked. i can see myself being preppy but i kinda find it unbelievable to be preppy considering i used (notice the past tense now) go to a public school. a public school... eew. also how can i be preppy when i catch public transportation? which is like totally double eew. and it also says im 53% hot. what does that even mean? is there a 'hot' highschool clique? i dont really understand what they would do. would they stand around amongst each other looking all hot? cause i can totally imagine myself doing that...
my boredom continues. and i think i might be gaining weight from doing nothing everyday. i wake up at 11 and have breakfast and clean up. watch scrubs at 11:30 cause its great. after that its pretty much a blank. i dont really know what i do. i either eat some more, watch cable or sleep, despite the fact that i woke up not too long ago. speaking of cable tv theres a show on mtv called laguna beach. its about these rich high school kids who live on a beach, obviously. it shows all their details like these rich girls being bitchy to the other rich girl cause she and her boyfriend are having some thing. they like go and exclude her. and she's all sad and walks along the beach by herself. and they do always seem to be partying and are extremely shallow in saying things like wearing mismaatched shoes is worst than failing highschool. what a life that could be. i dont think i could be as preppy as them though. r they preppy? or maybe they're the hot group.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

scrubs is really really great. i love it too. dont u watch the midday movies? there was one abt a pregnant girl and she had to learn to accept and love her baby.. i had to watch it while my comp had a virus. it was interesting.. wasted 2hrs. ive heard of laguna beach.. i didnt know it still existed. cable must be interesting.. i wish i had cable. well, the library isnt a bad option, dont know ifthey offer work though.. i guess u could read.

cyaaaaa preppy =)