Friday, June 29, 2007

Monday, May 07, 2007


I lost my pencil case (with everything inside it).
  • 8 Black Pens
  • 2 Highlighters
  • 5 Pencils: 4 HB, 1 2B
  • 1 Stapler
  • 1 Eraser
  • 1 Ruler
  • 1 Liquid Paper
  • 1 Black Texta
  • And a beloved pencil case.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Uni Theories

So nearly 3 weeks of uni have passed and i hate it. The labs, the lectures or the tutorials i dont know whats worse. Furthermore, the fact that im doing chemistry, biology, physics and maths its like HSC again but this time harder and with a lot more stress. But more importantl, like the title suggests there have been some strange phenomenon which i have noticed. It may be all this science getting to me but i've somehow proposed some theories to explain them.
  1. The Optom Attraction Theory. In the first couple of weeks i've noticed that the optom ppl always seem to be together in a group. ALWAYS. And when meeting ppl it just somehow happens by "coincidence" that the other person just turns out to do optom. And this happens a lot for the optom ppl i've been with. They just somehow manage to find more optom ppl. I propose that the optom ppl generate some sort of force of attraction (probably due to their eliteness and godliness of being optom ppl). This force of attraction somehow brings those who generate a similar force, that is, more optom ppl. But what about the vision science people like me. Meeting vision science people, pretty much has the same chance as finding a guy who does optom or finding someone who does optom and doesnt wear glasses. So how have i met vision science people? Well the only way i've been able to find such ppl is through the optom ppl. Vision science ppl hardly meet each other directly. But why? Well i believe that we vision science ppl aka the optom wannabes, want to and are so influenced by the optom ppl that we are somehow drawn and lured to them. Most likely we vision science ppl cannot find each other as we are overwhelmed by the forces of optometry and the force of attraction is much greater than our own vision science forces.
  2. International Student Attraction. This phenomena occurs quite often for me but i am yet to find a plausible explanation.
  3. Lack of Tickets Sold for Optom Cruise. This is obvious... Hmm... a bunch of people who hardly know each other and the prospect of being stuck on a boat for a couple of hours with minimal chances of fun. Furthermore, drinking? Not many ppl i have met in optom/vision science seem to be drinkers.
  4. Central Station Announcer. The announcer at central station is really really really nice. I mean seriously, i have not heard a nicer announcer. He wishes ppl a safe and pleasant journey and hopes to see us again. though does he really see us? Whats up with that?
I thought i had some more theories but can't seem to remember them. But the main one being the optom attraction theory which i have spent many a lecture thinking about.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Chinese New Year

Sometimes i think the superstitions involving chinese new year are extremely paranoid... I should have cut my hair this week. Cause now i dont know when i can cut it. I find it a bit much that you cant cut your hair because the word hair in chinese sounds like prosperity and hence cutting your hair is like removing all the prosperity for the new year. And it also sucks how i can't buy and books for a while. Does anyone know when i can actually do this stuff again? Its not long right?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

L for Loser which also happens to be the first letter of someone's name who still hasnt got their Ls

After all that annoying pressure and nagging i finally got my Ls. Now i can be on the other side and mock people who dont have their Ls (like Land). Yes, Land still does not have her Ls. I cant wait for uni so i can start studying again. And i'm going to study even more than the HSC. I still can't find another person doing the UMAT. How i loathe the UMAT. And i dont think having done the UMAT once will give me any advantage besides knowing that the test time given is only an approximation with the test able to start 3 hours later. Should i do AMEPP or Medentry? I'm thinking maybe AMEPP cause they say that they will provide more than 1100 questions and solutions. But 1100, do they really have that many? I still haven't got an Oweek brochure from UNSW yet but i do have a Usyd one. I kinda regret withdrawing from pharmacy now. I should have done a bridging course. I can't find anything good to read. I want to go to Chinese school. I still dont understand why they teach in Chinese at Chinese school. It doesnt really help people like me who cant comprehend much except for what i learnt in kindergarten and year 1 which consists of animals and parts of the body. I can't construct a sentence. I'm going to do peer support (to be the supported not the supportee).

Friday, February 02, 2007


I'm a unsw person now.
Usyd is dead to me.
I reject pharmacy and all it represents.
I have finally decided. I'm a b. science person now. I get weird looks when I tell people that. I'm so jealous of the optom people. They are so cool. I can't seem to write a coherent or consistent blog. My thoughts are everywhere, and I don't even have that many. I thought timetabling would be fun. But it's not. I think i've spent like 6 hours on timetabling collectively now. And how excited am i to have 23 hour weeks. I get to spend every day at UNSW. And oh how I will love Wednesdays where I get to spend 7 hours straight with lectures and a lab. I think i need to snack in class on wednesdays. What's a suitable lecture snack? Something soft and dull so it wont attract attention. I havent unenrolled at Usyd yet. I still have a Usyd ID card. I guess i'm special enough to get both Usyd and UNSW cards. It will be a memento of the path i could have chosen: the evil lure of pharmacy with its stability and excellent job prospects poisioning the minds of countless asian children and confusing their course choices. And at Dorothy's birthday party i found out i weigh less than carolyn. If she's like 50 kg, i must be in the 40s. I'm so light. And whats even more surprising is that i've gained weight during the HSC year. So i wonder how much i weighed before that. I miss my pre HSC weight. I hope i lose weight from walking that stupid long entrance way at UNSW.
I'm so ready to start studying. I want to start studying now. I should probably start studying for UMAT. I need a haircut too. And take down the Christmas tree.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Shortage of Blogs to Read

I've started to notice that no one seems to blog anymore. I guess there would be two main reasons for this. It would be either: one, they have somehow obtained a job and are so tired and dont have the time to blog or two, they are so bored at home during these seemingly endless and hot summer holidays that they have nothing to blog about. I for one fall into the latter.
On a completely unrelated note, i need to buy a new pair of shoes. I can't seem to find my left shoe.
It's so boring... And it's so hot.

Monday, January 01, 2007

A New Year

wooooooooooooooooooooo... wow, i cant imagine myself saying that. and even when typing this i meant it in a sarcastic and my usual tone.
geez... it's another year. i guess i should have some new year's resolutions:

  1. Get my Ls
  2. Find a job
  3. Disband the Home Alone During Major Holidays and Events Club (though i doubt you could call it a club with only three members). this means that i would actually have to do things on major holidays and have plans. To achieve goal no. 3 i would have to get a life first. so...
  4. Get a life
  5. Be more preppy
  6. Learn a language
  7. Lose some weight
  8. Grow taller. this has been a resolution for a couple of years.
Happy new year.