Monday, December 18, 2006

Shuffling songs to answer questions

1.) Put your music player on shuffle
2.) Press forward for each question
3.) Use the song title as the answer to the question
4.) NO CHEATING!!! Translate them if necessary

1.) How am I feeling today? Beethoven- Symphony no 6 in F

2.) Where will I get married? The Vines- Vision Valley [Hmm. someone correct me if i'm wrong but wasnt there a camp there or something. that's disgusting that i could get married at a camp site]

3.) What is my best friend's theme song? Bach- Brandenburg concerto No 4 in G major

4.) What is/was highschool like? Maroon 5- Through with you [yes i am through with sefton, finally]

5.) What is the best thing about me? Snow Patrol- Hands open

6.) How is today going to be? Keane- Somewhere only we know

7.) What is in store for this weekend? Snow Patrol- Run [That sound's like good advice]

8.) What song describes my parents? The Killers- When you were young

9.) How is my life going? The Strokes- Barely Legal [I don't really get this one but it sounds weird]

10.) What song will they play at my funeral? The Strokes- Hard To Explain

11.) How does the world see me? Artic Monkeys- Perhaps vampires is a bit strong but… [I don't have any vampire like qualities]

12.) What do my friends really think of me? The Strokes- Between Love and Hate [This actually makes sense]

13) Do people secretly lust after me? The Vines- Gross out [Yes it would gross me out too]

14.) How can I make myself happy? Muse- Hoodoo

15.) What should I do with my life? The Strokes- Razorblade [Is it saying i should use a razorblade to slit my wrists or something?]

16.) Will I ever have children? Franz Ferdinand- Do you want to [answer a question with a question]

17.) What is some good advice? The Strokes- I cant win [But i win in lots of things]

18.) What do I think my current theme song is? End of Fashion- O Yeah

19.) What does everyone else think my current theme song is? The Strokes- Meet me in the bathroom [I dont even go to the bathroom that much]

20.) What type of men/women do you like? The Killers- On top [...]

21.) Will you get married? Arctic Monkeys- You probably couldn’t see for the lights but you were staring straight at me

22.) What should I do with my love life? The Strokes- Vision of Division

23.) The original poster forgot this one so I'll just make one up. what's up. The Killers- Read my mind

24.) Where will you live? Maroon 5- Harder to breathe

25.) What will your dying words be? The Strokes- The end has no end

im scared of the coming days. i really do need something to distract me so my thoughts dont linger to the thing i dont want to think about. i havent been this scared since... ever? yesterday i saw the most stupidest thing in k-mart or it could have been target. it was a new design of christmas tree that they advertised as a trendy new thing. it was an upside down christmas tree. gee when i saw this it made me angry. i dont know why. but i just find it really really angering. apparently you're suppose to hang it from the ceiling. the thought of it just made me even more angry. and i dont know why but at neeta city yesterday it really really stunk like b.o.

Monday, December 11, 2006

casual formal??

what is casual formal? how can i dress casual formal? i think i'm making too much a deal of this dress code. i don't think i have casual formal clothes. i only have casual or formal clothes. i never thought of the day when i would need casual formal clothes. this is such a dilemma. what will i wear?!?!?!? maybe i shouldnt turn up. i dont want to go anyway. it's only presentation day. but casual formal clothes make me feel old. its like what bill gates wears according to Land and according to google it looks pretty formal.

Monday, November 20, 2006


You scored as Prep. You are a prep. I am so sorry.



Emo Kid


















What Highschool Clique Do You Belong To?
created with

I'm preppy. i don't know whether to be proud or shocked. i can see myself being preppy but i kinda find it unbelievable to be preppy considering i used (notice the past tense now) go to a public school. a public school... eew. also how can i be preppy when i catch public transportation? which is like totally double eew. and it also says im 53% hot. what does that even mean? is there a 'hot' highschool clique? i dont really understand what they would do. would they stand around amongst each other looking all hot? cause i can totally imagine myself doing that...
my boredom continues. and i think i might be gaining weight from doing nothing everyday. i wake up at 11 and have breakfast and clean up. watch scrubs at 11:30 cause its great. after that its pretty much a blank. i dont really know what i do. i either eat some more, watch cable or sleep, despite the fact that i woke up not too long ago. speaking of cable tv theres a show on mtv called laguna beach. its about these rich high school kids who live on a beach, obviously. it shows all their details like these rich girls being bitchy to the other rich girl cause she and her boyfriend are having some thing. they like go and exclude her. and she's all sad and walks along the beach by herself. and they do always seem to be partying and are extremely shallow in saying things like wearing mismaatched shoes is worst than failing highschool. what a life that could be. i dont think i could be as preppy as them though. r they preppy? or maybe they're the hot group.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A tale of boredom, cleaning, formal dresses and calories

am i the only one who is finding it really boring? cause i'm bored out of my mind...
i'm on my fourth day of cleaning my room. in the process of cleaning my room it ended up worst than it was in the beginning. and i still have the study room and dining table to clean as well. i've realised i have a lot of crap in my room. i think the amount of paper i've used in these 2 years is equivalent to a couple of trees. i'm trying my best to recycle as much as possible.
the other day i was helping nam and sylvia look for formal dresses. and i must say that it really is hard to look for a formal dress. but i wonder how would u pee in a formal dress. what if it was like a ball gown? would u even fit in the cubicle? i've also realised that getting a job is hard. so i've decided to give up and do nothing. or volunteer and do something but not get paid. which is the same as doing nothing but for a worthy cause.
and yesterday i was on the treadmill for half and hour and managed to burn 170 calories. thats like 2 Le Snacks. great isnt it? i dont know how ppl can exercise so much to burn off an entire meal. i was there for half and hour and it was killing me already.

holiday goal: get a life.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

gee. so this is like blogging. i think i'm going to like have so totally have so much fun!... i dont know why but i feel the strange urge to say something like oh wow i'm blogging. but in doing that i am reminded of jack's blog. which makes me feel all gooey inside. not a nice gooey but more like a thick disgusting viscous piece of crap stuck at the back of the throat feeling.
