Friday, February 02, 2007


I'm a unsw person now.
Usyd is dead to me.
I reject pharmacy and all it represents.
I have finally decided. I'm a b. science person now. I get weird looks when I tell people that. I'm so jealous of the optom people. They are so cool. I can't seem to write a coherent or consistent blog. My thoughts are everywhere, and I don't even have that many. I thought timetabling would be fun. But it's not. I think i've spent like 6 hours on timetabling collectively now. And how excited am i to have 23 hour weeks. I get to spend every day at UNSW. And oh how I will love Wednesdays where I get to spend 7 hours straight with lectures and a lab. I think i need to snack in class on wednesdays. What's a suitable lecture snack? Something soft and dull so it wont attract attention. I havent unenrolled at Usyd yet. I still have a Usyd ID card. I guess i'm special enough to get both Usyd and UNSW cards. It will be a memento of the path i could have chosen: the evil lure of pharmacy with its stability and excellent job prospects poisioning the minds of countless asian children and confusing their course choices. And at Dorothy's birthday party i found out i weigh less than carolyn. If she's like 50 kg, i must be in the 40s. I'm so light. And whats even more surprising is that i've gained weight during the HSC year. So i wonder how much i weighed before that. I miss my pre HSC weight. I hope i lose weight from walking that stupid long entrance way at UNSW.
I'm so ready to start studying. I want to start studying now. I should probably start studying for UMAT. I need a haircut too. And take down the Christmas tree.


The Wanderer said...

what reject pharmacy? reject its job prospects and money? for a b. science? have you gone mad?

nah, just joking, do what ever you feel is best. but once you've done your b. science, what job are you looking for then?

Anonymous said... of consciousness.

very niceeee.

- serena

Anonymous said...

lol you've covered a great many number of topics in there...short attention span may explain why you get bored so easily.

'i reject pharmacy and all it represents.'

so melodramatic =)

'the evil lure of pharmacy with its stability and excellent job prospects poisioning the minds of countless asian children and confusing their course choices'

just because it's alluring doesn't mean it's evil...but the rest of that paragraph is true enough.

i hope you get that transfer you want and join the ranks of 'the cool optom people', lol.

see you at oweek, and in BABS and CHEM.

(my timetable is still prettier than yours.)